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2024 NTHU

Lab Spring
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Welcome to NanoBiomaterials Lab

By using chemical/materials science and nanoengineering, we design the nanostructures for therapeutic and biomedical applications including drug delivery, bioimaging and neuron recovery. Our projects include cancer therapy, neuron therapy, and in-situ monitoring micro-environments. 


本實驗室主要在於「功能型有機/無機奈米複合生醫材料」開發與研究,如奈米磁性材料、光學材料與敏感性材料,應用於藥物釋放、生物檢測與生物影像顯影,可學習奈米材料合成、藥物包覆、材料分析、生物影像等專長,其將來運用領域廣泛。 歡迎醫環、化學 、化工、材料、生物等相關背景專題生、碩士班與博士班學生加入! 有興趣者可與老師洽談!



Focus On Nerve Generation

Injectable hydrogels in regeneration medicine can potentially mimic hierarchical natural living tissue and fill complexly shaped defects with minimally invasive implantation procedures. To achieve this goal, however, the versatile hydrogels that usually possess the nonporous structure and uncontrollable spatial agent release must overcome the difficulties in low cell‐penetrative rates of tissue regeneration.

BY Alice Hsu  I   2022

Focus On Microneedles for TBI

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) surpasses many diseases in causing long-term disability in developing countries and thus constitutes a substantial burden worldwide. In this study, a conductive microneedle based on metal-organic framworks (MOFs) integrated to a gas therapy that can improve nerve generation in traumatic brain lesions was developed.

BY EJ I   2023


Penetrated Delivery

​Lung metastasis-targeted donut-shaped nanostructures shuttled by the margination effect for the PolyDox generation-mediated penetrative delivery into deep tumors

BY MR Chiang I   2020 


Materials Design 

​Hierarchically Targeted and Penetrated Delivery of Drugs to Tumors by Size‐Changeable Graphene Quantum Dot Nanoaircrafts for Photolytic Therapy

BY YL Su I   2017 

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Precision Medicine, Eye fundus diseases

​The organoid on a chip possessed a heterogeneous cell density, and the compact cancer cells around the spheroids latently decreased the permeation of drugs or cargos, which is similar to an in vivo organ. In this system, the precision medicine was also integrated.  

BY CJ Wu I   2021 


Latest News 


Sep.​ 20, 2024 


Sep. 20, 2024 




Aug 17, 2024 

恭喜碩士班張芸瑄、博士班邱凱雯同學獲得2024【IADDS & BCRS研討會】海報論文競賽--特優與佳作。

恭喜碩士班劉秀晴、Trinstan同學獲得2024【IADDS & BCRS研討會】海報論文競賽--優勝。

恭喜博士班潘琬淇獲得2024【IADDS & BCRS研討會】口頭論文競賽--佳作。

June 30, 2024 


June 26, 2024 


May. 18, 2024 

​恭喜碩士班潘琬淇獲得【2024  默克年輕科學人獎】傑出獎。(神經)
獲得【2024  默克年輕科學人獎】傑出獎。(癌症)

恭喜碩士班劉秀晴獲得【2024  默克年輕科學人獎】優等。(醫材)

Nov. 12, 2023 

​恭喜碩士班李禹陞獲得【2023 醫工年會海報競賽】特優。
恭喜博士班郭芸妟【2023 醫工年會

恭喜碩士班顏婉、吳孟昕 【2023 醫工年會海報競賽】佳作。

Sep. 26, 2023 



Sep 3, 2023 

恭喜博士生江銘仁、Thi My Hue Huynh (Lily) 獲得 【2023 ISOMRM】學生口頭論文競賽特優。

恭喜碩士生李禹陞獲得 【2023 ISOMRM】學生壁報論文競賽特優、

恭喜碩士生潘琬淇獲得【2023 ISOMRM】學生壁報論文競賽優等。

Sep 3, 2023 


Aug 3, 2023 

恭喜碩士生張皓旻、潘琬淇獲得【Biomaterial International 2023】Best Poster Award@ 日本札幌。

Aug 1 , 2023 

胡尚秀老師獲得【2023 永信李天德青年醫藥科技】。

June 27, 2023 


Apr. 27, 2023 

​恭喜博士班江銘仁榮獲【清華BME day】海報競賽優勝。

​恭喜碩士班陳品華榮獲【清華BME day】海報競賽佳作。

Oct. 5, 2022 

​恭喜碩士班黃品瑄、博士班江銘仁榮獲 【5thGCBME Global Conference on Biomedical Engineering)與2022年生物醫學工程科技研討會(TSBME 2022)】Best Student Paper Awards. [Biomaterials]

Oct. 5, 2022 


Sep 12, 2022 


Sep 2, 2022 


Sep 2, 2022 

恭喜博士班 江銘仁獲得2022 【生醫材料與藥物制放年學會】口頭論文競賽--優勝。



恭喜碩士班楊宇文同學獲得2022 【生醫材料與藥物制放年會】海報論文競賽--最佳演說獎。

July 22, 2022 


June 27, 2022 



May 30, 2022 


Feb 27, 2022 

​胡尚秀老師榮獲「110年 科技部傑出研究獎」。

Dec. 4, 2021 

恭喜碩士班陳郁人同學獲得2021 【生醫材料與藥物制放年學會】海報論文競賽--特優。



Oct. 8, 2021 


Oct. 5, 2021 

恭喜博士班Yalamandala Bhanu Nirosha、Huynh Thi My Hue【原子科學院2021專題研究海報競賽】特優與優等。


Jul 29, 2021 

​胡尚秀老師加入「國際指標性藥物控制遞送期刊-主編群」. Journal of Controlled Release Editorial Board

June 21, 2021 


May 14, 2021 


May 26, 2021 


March 22, 2021 


November 21, 2020 

恭喜專題生林巧旻、李季進入「2020年康寧創星家 創新應用競賽前20強團隊」。

November 3, 2020 

恭喜博士生許如秀通過「2020科技部博士後千里馬」計畫,至美國Stanford University (史丹佛大學)進行博後


October 26, 2020 



October 5, 2020 

恭喜方人弘博士獲得2020 【生醫材料與藥物制放年學會】年輕學者獎。



恭喜碩士班沈威廷同學獲得2020 【生醫材料與藥物制放年會】海報論文競賽--佳作。

September 21, 2020 

恭喜博士生許如秀獲得2020 第 16 屆永信李天德醫藥科技獎-傑出論文獎。

October  21, 2019 


November 21, 2020 


Invited Talks

  1. Brain immune therapy and repair through functional materials”, 2024 NYCU BioMedical Engineering East-Asia International Symposium, Taipei, 2024.

  2. Brain immune therapy and repair through functional materials”, 長庚清華聯合研討會,新竹,Sep. 2024

  3. “Brain immune therapy and repair through functional materials”, APDSC, Keynote, 馬來西亞 吉隆坡. Aug. 2024. 

  4. "Brain Repair Through Advancing Innovative Nanotechnologies (BRAIN)". 世界生醫材料大會,南韓大邱。May. 2024.

  5. "Brain Repair Through Advancing Innovative Nanotechnologies (BRAIN)". 北醫神經醫學研究中心。May. 2024.

  6. "Brain Repair Through Advancing Innovative Nanotechnologies (BRAIN)". 台科大材料系。May. 2024.

  7. "腦科技功能性材料".臺北醫學大學 112學年度創新傑出講座,Mar. 12, 2024. 

  8. "Brain Repair Through Advancing Innovative Nanotechnologies (BRAIN)". 再生醫學年會,台灣大學醫學院。Mar. 2024. 

  9. "Brain Repair Through Advancing Innovative Nanotechnologies (BRAIN)". 台灣大學醫工系。March. 2024. 

  10. "Brain Repair Through Advancing Innovative Nanotechnologies (BRAIN) via Carbon-based Materials". 醫工年會、中原大學。  11/11

  11. "Brain Repair Through Advancing Innovative Nanotechnologies (BRAIN) via Carbon-based Materials". 碳材會議、中央大學。Nov. 2023. 

  12. "Brain Repair Through Advancing Innovative Nanotechnologies (BRAIN)". 中國醫大醫工系。Nov. 2023. 

  13. "Eddy currents on drug delivery and nerve regeneration", 國家衛生研究院 生物醫學研討會,Aug. 2023

  14. Functional Materials on drug delivery and nerve regeneration, 台北榮民總醫院,July. 2023

  15. Functional Materials on drug delivery and nerve regeneration, 生物夏令營,July. 2023

  16. "Eddy currents on drug delivery and nerve regeneration", 中國醫藥大學 現代生物醫學講座,Apr. 2023

  17. "Functional Materials on drug delivery and nerve regeneration", 台灣神經外科會議, 台北淡水Mar. 2023。

  18. "Functional Materials on drug delivery and nerve regeneration", National Chung Hsing University, Nov.. 2022。

  19. "Eddy currents on drug delivery and nerve regeneration", 神經外科會議-土城長庚, Nov.. 2022。

  20. "Eddy currents on drug delivery and nerve regeneration", 唐獎在清華, Aug. 2022。

  21. "Eddy currents on drug delivery and nerve regeneration", 林口長庚北科大清華成果發表會, Aug. 2022。

  22. "Materials for Tissue Engineering", 台北榮總醫研部,Aug. 2022.

  23. "Functional Materials for Bio-Medicine and Drug Delivery", 彰化基督教醫院, July, 2022.

  24. ​“Functional Materials for Tissue Engineering", 2022 Wold Congress of Biomechanics (2022 WCB), Taipei. July, 2022. 

  25. “Marginative Delivery of Functional Materials for Immune Therapy". Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.  Mar. 2022.

  26. ​“Functional Materials for Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering”,  『組織工程暨再生醫學博士班學位學學程』, National Chung Hsing University, Mar. 2022.

  27. "Metastasis Targeting via Marginative Delivery and Extracellular Leakiness by Nanomedicine", 2021 Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomedical Engineering (TSBME 2021), Taichung, Nov. 2021.
    -Annual Report of Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan

  28. "Marginative Delivery-Mediated Extracellular Leakiness by Nanomedicine", The 15th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine & Engineering (IEEE-NANOMED 2021), Virtual Meeting, Nov. 2021. 

  29. "Marginative Delivery-Mediated Extracellular Leakiness by Nanomedicine", 2021 International Conference on Precision Nanomedicine in Theranostics & 2021 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Nanomedicine Society, Tainan, Oct. 2021.

  30. "Marginative Delivery-Mediated Extracellular Leakiness by Biomimetic Nanomedicine", 2021The 26th BEST Conference & International Symposium on Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Oct. 2021.

  31. "Functional Materials for Precision Medicine and Delivery", Asia CRS webinar, BCRS Taiwan Local Cahpter, Jan. 2021.

  32. "Functional Materials for Precision Medicine and Delivery", College of Life Science, National Tsing Hua University. Mar. 2021.

  33. "Functional Materials for Precision Medicine and Delivery", Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, National Kaohsiung University, 2020.

  34. "Marginative Delivery-Mediated Tumor Targeting", Department of Chemistry, National Chung Hsing University, 2020. 

  35.  "Functional Materials for Precision Medicine and Delivery", 2020 Global Conference on Biomedical Engineering & Annual Meeting (GCBME), 張榮發基金會,Nov. 2020. (Keynote)

  36. "Potential of Nano-Carbon Formulation for Drug Delivery", 「2020 台灣碳材學術研討會」,中原大學,Nov. 2020.

  37. "Precise medicine with Penetrated Delivery",「2020 年中華民國生醫材料及藥物制放年會」, 國立陽明大學, July 2020.

  38. "Functional Biomaterials for Drug Delivery and Tissue Regeneration", Graduate Institution of Biomedical Engineering, National Chung-Hsiug University, Mar. 2020.

  39. "Adaptable Microporous Hydrogels for Neuron Regeneration", 2019 Materials Research Meeting Japan (MRM-J), Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 2019.

  40. "Injectable Isoelectric Micro-beads for Nerve Regeneration", 2019 NTHU-Shizuoka Bilateral Symposium, Dec. 2019.

  41. "Precise medicine with Penetrated Delivery",18th Asian Chemical Congress, Taipei, Dec. 2019.

  42. "Penetrated Drug Delivery System in Precision Medicine and Rare Cancer", 13th International Symposium on Nanomedicine (ISNM 2019), Kobe, Japan, Dec. 2019. 

  43. "Nanotechnology of bio-materials for cancer therapy", National Institute of Cancer Research, National Health Research Institutes, Dec. 2019. 

  44. "Potentials of Nano-Formulation for Drug Delivery", Department of Pharmacy, National Taiwan University, Dec. 2019.

  45. "Introduction of Biomaterials and Engineering", National Tsing Hua University Interdisciplinary Program of Engineering, Nov. 2019.

  46. "神經引導組織工程材料開發",長庚清華北科大學術研討會,林口長庚醫院, Oct. 2019。

  47. 12. "Drug Delivery by Functional Materials", UPS x NTHU 雙邊交流會議,Paris-Saclay, France, Oct. 2019. 

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copyright® 2021 Nano-Biomaterials Lab  I   Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences  I National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

​​國立清華大學生醫工程與環境科學系 胡尚秀老師實驗室


Shang-Hsiu Hu    I     Hu Lab  I      BMES     I     NTHU


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